Conexión AIHUB

La red AIHUB cuenta con 76 grupos de investigación de 35 centros del CSIC en áreas de investigación tan diversas como la propia Inteligencia Artificial, la Robótica y la Ciencia de Datos  como otras áreas como la física, la microelectrónica o la filosofía. Estos grupos colaboran en actividades de investigación, formación, transferencia y comunicación para fomentar el desarrollo científico y la innovación. 

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICE – Galaxy Formation and Evolution

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMM – Grupo de Cristales Fotónicos

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMM – Teoría de Intercaras y Crecimiento

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMM – Simulation and Modelling of Materials (SIMOMA)

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMM – Materiales Bioinspirados

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)


ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMAB – Superconducting Materials and Large Scale Nanostructures

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMAB – Nanopto

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICMAB – Ignasi Fina

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

IAA – AMIGA – Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

IAA – Evolución de galaxias

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

IAA – Transient Plasmas in Planetary Atmospheres

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

IAA – Astrosismología

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

IDAB – Biología Molecular de Patógenos Bacterianos

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

Instituto Cajal – Collective Behavior

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

Instituto Cajal – Neural Rehabilitation Group

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

Instituto Cajal – Laboratorio de Circuitos Neuronales

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICN2 – Atomic Manipulation and Spectroscopy Group

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICN2 – Oficina de desarrollo estratégico

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICN2 – Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaic Energy group

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

ICN2 – Nanobioelectronics & Biosensors Group

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

INGENIO – Estudios sobre Innovación

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

IMEDEA – Dinámica de Ecosistemas Marinos

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

CIB/ICMAT – AI in Drug Development

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

CNB – Unidad de Biocomputación

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

CAR – Grupo de Percepción Artificial (GPA)

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

CAR – Grupo de Ingeniería Neural y Cognitiva

ICE – Theory and observations of neutron stars and related energetic transients (MAGNESIA)

CAR – GAMHE- Group of advanced Automation of Machines, Highly complex processes and Environments

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

IAE – Development, Political Economy and Armed Conflict. Economics and Machine Learning

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

CAR – Autopía

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

CNB – Lógica de los Sistemas Genómicos

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

CAR – Bioingeniería

CAR – Field and Service Robotics

CAR – Autonomous Systems Laboratory

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