IHow many calls have the ALLIES Program?
In ALLIES there will be two calls. The first call will post nine postdoc positions, and the second one will post eight. The first call opens in March 2024, offering nine positions, and the second call will open in September 2024 (the exact date will be announced on the website).

Can I apply the second call if I was not successful in the first one?
Yes, you can apply for the second call. The second call will offer different themes than the first call.

Can I import a previous application to the new call?
You must submit an entire new application.

Do I have to be from the European Union to be eligible to apply?
Candidates from any nationality can apply to ALLIES.

How can I submit my application?
The only accepted format is through our program’s online application platform.
In the “Guide for Applicants”, there are instructions about how to process the online application.

I have an accredited English level, but not the level specified in the Guide for Applicants, can I still be eligible?
Eligible candidates must prove an upper-intermediate English level (Minimum CEFR B2, Cambridge English First, PTE Level 3, IELTS 5-6.5 or TOEFL > 72). In case you do not have a degree, and have a high level of English, the level will be assessed at the time of the personal interview.

Can I access and modify my submitted application before the deadline of the Call?
Yes, you can access and modify your application anytime while the call is open.

I have no possession of my PhD degree yet. Can I still be considered eligible?
Yes. However, you will need to have a letter from the organisation providing the degree with an estimated date for the award. If the estimated date of the award does not fit with the evaluation timeline, the candidate will be considered not eligible.

Can I use my own format for the CV other documents?
There are templates available for the Curriculum Vitae (Europass) and the Motivation Letter. And the Academic Records and the Proof of English Level can be uploaded in any format as long as they are .pdf files.

Is it possible to apply if one of the supporting documents is missing?
No. All the required documents are necessary to submit your application. Required documents are indicated in the online platform.

Do I need a translation of my academic records?
The official language of the ALLIES program is English. You must provide all the Application Documents in English. However, you don’t need an official translation of your academic record. You must only provide graduate and postgraduate education certificates. If your documents were issued in a language other than English, you need to include a translation, which can be an official transcription or done by the candidate themself.

When I will receive a notification regarding my application?
After submission of your application, you will receive an acknowledgement email from the platform. Any time you do update your application, the system will send you a notification.

Once the Call closes on the 1st of June, a committee will review the Eligibility status, and candidates will be notified whether they fulfil the criteria. Candidates fulfilling the criteria pass to the Evaluation of Merits phase. You will receive a notification via Email about whether you are shortlisted for an interview. The best 32 candidates will go through the next phase, the Interviews.
If you have questions or comments, you can reach out to us at aihub@csic.es

What is the aim of the interview and are they carried out on-site or remotely?
The Interview is to get additional information and insights on the academic merits of the candidates, their motivations and suitability to the program, and the program’s impact on their future career prospects. Also, it will be used to verify the accreditation of the English level. All shortlisted candidates will be interviewed remotely and all eligible candidates will get an Evaluation Summary Report (ESR).

Is it possible to know who has evaluated my application?
The list of experts will remain confidential throughout the process.

What I have to do if I am selected and is Is there any timeline to accept my fellowship?
Selected applicants must accept the position by sending an acceptance letter within 15 days after notification. After receiving the acceptance letter, you enter into a negotiation of the contract phase to sign your contract. If a selected candidate declines the offer, the non-covered position will be offered to the first one on the reserve list.
After the final ranking list is produced, successful candidates will be asked to sign an Acceptance Letter within a period of 15 days to secure their fellowship. Once signed, the candidates will be invited by email to start negotiating the terms of the contract.

If I am on the Reserve List, what are the possibilities?
Well some selected candidate rejects the fellowship for any reason the position will be offered to the next candidate on the Reserve List.

Awarded fellows
The final list of awarded fellows will be published (with no personal data) on the ALLIES program website.

Request for redress
Applications considered ineligible will be given the opportunity to submit a request for redress where an applicant believes the result provided is incorrect. This will guarantee an open, efficient, transparent, supportive and internationally comparable recruitment process. A period of 10 days will be given for the redress, including careful review by the PMT before taking a final decision.

Are the specified allowances in the Guide for Applicants the net salary that I would be remunerated at the end of each month?
No. The allowances in the Guide represent gross salaries. From gross salary, expenses provisioned by Spanish Regulations should be deducted to arrive at your net salary (e.g., social security, taxes etc.). Those deductions depend on each person’s personal conditions and will be calculated upon preparation of the labour contract.

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