Submit your application until 1st June 2024!

First Call

  • Call Opens: 1st March 2024
  • Evaluation and Selection: from June to October 2024
  • Contracting: December 2024
  • Fellows Starts: January 2025

How to apply


Application package

You will need to submit the following documents:

  • The Research Proposal: you can use the template provided in the Application Package.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Use only the Europass CV template provided in the Application Package.
  • Academic records and certificates: PhD’s award or similar.
  • Proof of English: Official proof of upper-intermediate English official certifications
  • Recommendation Letters: Recommendation letter to support your application PhD Supervisor or similar
  • Other Research Skill certifications: Papers, Courses, Schools, Conferences, etc

Evaluation process

The Evaluation and Selection process is implemented in four phases:

  • Phase 1: Eligibility Check based on Mobility and Experience criteria.
  • Phase 2: Evaluation of Merits based on a Scientific Evaluation defined in the “Guide for Applicants”.
  • Phase 3: Interview is a remote or in-site interview.
  • Phase 4: Final scoring & ranking using scores from the merit evaluation (60%) and interviews (40%).


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